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Taco on Friday Recipe for simple barley tortilla lefser

Friday taco is a dear tradition in many Norwegian homes. At kitchen -aid.no, we celebrate cooking joy as a family activity, where even the smallest can take part at the kitchen counter, safely standing on its Kitchen helper-chair. Today we share a simple recipe from Margit Vea, known for her efforts for healthy and nutritious baby food. Her recipe for building tortillas provides a nutritious twist on the traditional Friday taco and encourages the whole family to participate in cooking - a perfect opportunity to introduce both children who love food and small children to new flavors and textures.

Homemade Building Tortillas - an exciting twist of Margit Vea


  • 4.5 dl water
  • 600 g Sampled barley flour
  • 1.5 teaspoons salt
  • 20 g butter


  1. Mix the ingredients: Combine all the ingredients into a smooth dough. Knead in low speed kitchen appliance for approx. 8 minutes, keep the dough cool.
  2. Cool the dough: Let it rest in the refrigerator for at least 60 minutes.
  3. Rolling and shape: Roll the dough thin and cut out circles, approx. 15 cm in diameter.
  4. Steak: Fry the tortillas until golden on both sides on a hot thank you or in a dry frying pan.
  5. Storage: Keep the tortillas soft by wrapping them in a damp kitchen towel and storing in an airtight container.

This recipe does not specifically recommend a tortilla press, we have found that this kitchen utensil can make the process even easier and more fun. Our tortilla press Is of high quality and makes it easy to make smooth and perfect tortillas. You can experiment with different types of flour.

While adults use the tortilla press To shape perfect lefts, the kids can help prepare the filling by using their own childish knife. This is a great opportunity for small -eaten children to explore and taste different vegetables during cooking. Being cutting and tasting can make them less skeptical to try new flavors when they see the same ingredients on the plate.

IMPORTANT SAFETY INFO: The tortilla press is intended for adults. Children should always have supervision when adult kitchen utensils are in use.

For more inspiration for family -friendly cooking, visit our online store. Make Friday taco a healthy and inclusive family activity.

You will find more exciting kitchen utensils for parents here.

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